Let’s get back to liberty. I read an article about the government making decisions that had unintended consequences. That got my juices flowing. Just know that before I get into my rant some things don’t need course adjustments, like our constitutional rights. The government at all levels in the United States doesn’t get to ignore these. It is up to citizens to exercise our rights wisely and hold our elected officials accountable for their duty to their oath to uphold and defend the constitution. That is our responsibility as Americans.

Sure, the government has a role to play to report to us. Tell us what’s going on and assist if asked, but there is a line not to cross. That line is my home, my church, my speech, my thoughts, my privacy, and my ability to defend myself and my community from tyranny and terror. I am not a criminal. I am a citizen. Laws and regulations that cross that line are invalid, unconstitutional, and immoral. Agencies crossing those lines had better be justified based on factual evidence of a crime, not hearsay, bias, profiling, accusations, etc. We are innocent and should be treated with respect. You work for us.

The governments, federal, state, and local must own their mistakes and stop changing the rules so they don’t apply to them. They should stop making laws that make criminals out of good people. Laws should be understandable, enforceable, and nothing should be hidden in them that is not apparent in the title. They should stop giving themselves raises when they can’t even balance the budget. We don’t need to bail them out again. They should start by cutting all pork from all laws. The government should not be paid until they have paid off the debt. I realize that the government is a huge entity, but outside the military defending our boarders the rest can and should be taken care of by citizens. They should not make us pay with taxes. They should sell lands and holdings back to the citizens for the same price they paid for the property. They should get rid of agencies and departments that are getting in the way of the prosperity of its citizens. They should stop the incentives and favors paid to special interests, colleges, foreigners, corporate monopolies, banks, and the thousands of places that live off government grants–these are bleeding us dry.

If they have an idea of how we can live better and they have developed that idea into a product or service we want, we will pay for it ourselves. In fact, they could sell the idea and let the market regulate. After all, we all want better. Taxation is theft. Printing money is theft. End the theft! They should stop taking out loans from our enemies to pay for programs we don’t even want. They should stop funding organizations like Planned Parenthood that are engaged in murder. They should stop stealing children from parents. Sure if the parents are both felons and in jail someone needs to help the children, but it does not need to be the government. There are many people who want to be parents and can’t. Social services must be reformed and removed from playing the role of parents.

Right now, because of government regulations, good food is being thrown out. Remove the barriers to distribution and other industries that are monopolistic in nature. They don’t need government protection nor regulation. At a time like this barriers need to be removed. The free market needs to be unleashed. Intrastate commerce, especially food production, should not be regulated by the federal government. Labeling needs to be truthful. I can see some oversite there, but they are not even enforcing that well.

You may oppose these ideas or agree. After all, I will admit this is only one man’s opinion. Write to me about what you think. Let’s have a dialog. I seek to understand your opinions also. Don’t be afraid of what others will think. Think for yourself and speak to one another. Advocate

Categories: Ideas