Moving Forward

I once managed data processing for a principled company that taught how to plan and reach extraordinary results by implementing the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. We added to this knowledge, practices from Franklin Planners, Deming’s 14 Points for Managment, Kaizen, World Class Quality, Six Sigma and Miller Teams.

We knew planning, we knew implementation, we knew empowerment, before the world started teaching it in their universities and yes before the internet or the “smart” phone. What I learned in my unique role was how to harmonize strategies of excellence with common work processes. I learned how to grow an operation and how to achieve ever-increasing results.

The 90s were a period of massive change, and yet performance results are to this day based in those same time-tested principles. Whether you know them or not, they govern your success. Only as you incorporate them does their power benefit you.

The universities have no way to teach this. Oh, they cover the course material, but as in the book The Goal shows, you don’t gain the skills without applying each foundational principle. Yes, you have to do it, with your own personal and interpersonal challenges.

I watched The Watchmaker’s Apprentice and through this exceptionally slow, documentary became increasingly aware that my expertise in business came from my own practice of excellence. Day-to-day implementation of processes and improvement efforts. It came from all of my experience, not from the books I read. I loved the book Good to Great, because the arrogant author admits that he has no idea what made the companies transform, only that there were people (hedgehogs) who had figured it out. My experience has taught me that YOU are the key to that leap and it comes from inside using everything you learn, and then as you apply that knowledge to what you are creating, insight and understanding–yes even wisdom–eventually come. It truly is an art, an apprenticeship.

Sad the irony that just at the point our aging population prepares for pasture they have the most to share. We just let them go, to avoid pensions and healthcare costs. Well they are inconvenient after all when you have change management systems set up to remove them in order to make “needed” changes.

I realized that the reason I am helpful to others is because of the constant study I have put into motion over the years. I am an ExcelCEO master. Only 10% ever graduate from that study, but I made it, because I applied what I was learning on my own projects. I can make it do things that Excel was not originally designed to do. You may experience one of my products if you would like a calendar that calculates holidays for you. It does all kinds of things to make printing a calendar easy. Here is where you get to use my planner-page design to customize your own principle-centered planning system that does not require batteries. It was fun to learn the frequencies of the holidays and how to apply them to a Gregorian calendar that would update each year.

Exhausted, I fell asleep and my brain kept working, opening my soul to the message and a beautiful scene appeared before me as if in a virtual world of spinning, orbiting bodies in the universe, ever expanding, and full of mystery. I knew instantly that every detail of the vast universe was planned, orchestrated, implemented for a grand purpose. My mind was filled with the clear impression that I simply had not the capacity to understand the smallest part of its complexity, and then as if returning to the world I knew, my mind began to ponder the detail of everything that surrounds me and I realized it all had revolutions, and synchronization more detailed than any manmade clock. As I continued pondering my knowledge of biology, chemistry, and technology, I had the vivid realization expand to my mind concerning the utter mystery of the miniscule and moreover the affirmation that every detail of it was indeed planned and executed and all these things were not only known by a loving creator, but were in constant control for His purposes. I was left with a feeling of nothingness in relation to the majesty my mind beheld and the love my heart perceived.

In summation, planning is important to our development. Our meager plans may not seem like much, nor may they prove fruitful, but the exercise expands our ability to invent and over time improves our chances for success.

Use my planner and make it your own. Decide what matters most in your life and ponder what you want to achieve, set long-range goals and then make a habit of writing and carrying out weekly achievements in each of your most valuable roles or activities that will help lead you to your dreams. Share those dreams with me if you dare.